Advance American Technology
Enable future technologies with future materials
As the world demands new technological pathways, material advancements in microelectronics are becoming the backbone of modern technology.
The American Materials Technology Partnership is a driving force behind materials innovation – bringing together the top voices in U.S. microelectronics. With a focus on forward-thinking material designs, the coalition’s call to bolster, develop and innovate will help the United States maintain its strategic advantage and craft the future of technology.
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The Challenge.
Our Solution.

Only an estimated 20 percent of the world’s global chip manufacturing is taking place in the United States. While other countries are ramping up to lead the world’s semiconductor production in less than 10 years. The United States will need to focus on investing and increasing domestic production of microchips to regain control and remain a competitor in the marketplace.

“The number of semiconductor industry workers that will need to be added in the U.S. by 2025 to achieve domestic production goals.”
WSJ reporting, 2022.
Ready to create a brighter tomorrow, together?
Securing Robust Materials Innovation in Microelectronics is the First Step
There’s more work to be done.
Areas of opportunity.
Sparking innovation.
Bolstering the supply chain.
Educating the new generation.
Protecting the environment.
The American Materials Technology Partnership has demonstrated a true commitment to green manufacturing. By embracing green practices, this partnership will showcase how to produce first class materials and create innovative technology without harming the environment.
Why Are Materials Important?
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